Calvary Announcements May 17th
Calvary Memorial United Church <[email protected]>
Faith Community Nurse Drop Ins
Faith Community Nurse drop ins are now on Mondays from 10 to 12 PM. All are welcome!
Bulletin Announcements
If you have an announcement you would like to see in the bulletin, please send it to [email protected] by Wednesday at Noon. Please be sure to write out exactly what you would like the announcement to say.
Schneider Male Chorus
CSC Gentle Fitness Group
CSC Gentle Exercise group - Mondays starting 8 April 9.30-10.30am Kellerman Hall
Health and Wellness Dinner
June 2nd Worship Service
Following the June 2nd Worship Service, there will be an information meeting in Kellerman Hall regarding Community Ministry. Members of the Community Ministry Management Committee will be present to answers any questions from the congregation. In the next few weeks, an information package will be made available along with a question submission form.
Community Support Connections Caregiver Program
Announcement from the Official Board
The Official Board met Tues April 23. Some of the work we did included:1. Getting a financial update from our treasurer.2. Hearing about plans for summer rotation of worship services and pastoral care coverage3. Exploring how we can support a neighbourhood porch party happening June 15th as part of Kitchener's Neighbour Day. We have a few volunteers lined up and if you are interested in helping please contact Art Kelly or Larry Kelly4. Discussing our response to Trillium's withdrawal from the Community Ministry Joint Ministry agreement. It is important to note that Trillium will be continuing to host the Thurs evening meal and supporting it financially. The Board and Community Ministry Management Committee 9CMMC) are hearing that there may be lots of questions about what all of this means for Community Ministry and Calvary so we are holding an information session Sunday June 2ndimmediately following worship. In the next few weeks we will be circulating an information package about Community Ministry and it will have a tear off portion to be able to submit your questions ahead of time so the Board and CMMC can address your questions and/or concerns. Mark your calendar for Sunday June 2-- see you there.
Kairos Blanket Exercise
Minister: Rev. Tim Graham[email protected] 519-744-9696 ex. 2Cell: 226-218-3322
Office Administrator: Emily Moore[email protected]519-744-9696 ex. 1
Faith Community Nurse: Sally White[email protected]519-744-9696 ex. 3 519-546-4849
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Community Support Connections is not able to provide a Gentle Exercise program at Calvary at ta this time due to a staffing shortage. They will be in contact with the church when they are able to provide this service again.. In the office there is a copy of their community schedule for other locations that you are more than welcome to attend, free of charge.
Take care and be well,
If you have an announcement you would like to see in the bulletin, please send it in to [email protected] by Wednesday at Noon. Please be sure to write out exactly what you would like the announcement to say.
Please be sure to send anything you would like on our monthly calendar to [email protected] by Wednesday, March 27.
Beginning this coming Sunday, we will begin passing the offering plates once more. This means that we will be needing some people to volunteer to usher. If you are interested, please direct you emails to Lorraine Bowlby and Eleonore Erb. You can reach them at their emails listed below.
Lorraine Bowlby: [email protected]
Eleonore Erb: [email protected]
Education Beyond Classroom WallS
The Church of Christ in Congo provides children with the education and training they need to take charge of their own lives when they leave school. With a combination of traditional education and life skills, they provide each child with the skillset they need to thrive after graduation.
Please check your mail folder for a new nametag and wear it this Sunday. If you do not have a nametag in your mail folder, please write a temporary nametag using the supplies in the foyer and alert the office.
Feel free to customize your nametag using markers, stickers, etc. Be creative!
If you have a cold..... soup will make you feel better!
Winter is so chilly..... soup will warm you up!
We are in the thick of a pandemic.....
so why not let Rosemary's homemade soup make you feel better!
Everyone at Calvary now has the opportunity to pick up and enjoy the same tasty homemade soup that we all enjoyed at our "SOUPER SUNDAYS". Remember the great flavours of the soup we sampled after Sunday services? And then we had the option to take some home to enjoy later on! Well, you can now come to the church to pick up a package of a variety of Rosemary's soup. There is no fee for this, but a free will donation is always appreciated. Pick up time is:
Souper Thursday -- February 10th
Thursday February 10th between 10:00 a.m. and noon
If you are interested in ordering a soup package,
please phone or text Gerti at 519 897-2774 or email me at: [email protected]
This opportunity is open to all at Calvary. If you have already notified me about picking up a soup package, there is no need to contact me again as your order has already been processed.
For those that I normally deliver soup to, I will be in contact with you with the details for
delivery on Tuesday February 8th.
A link to the live-stream services and to the most recent Sunday Bulletin, can also be found on the website’s homepage. (
Happy Birthday Wishes
Happy birthday to you, God’s love grows in you
May the Lord bless and keep you, In all that you do
Bill Dippel 27 Herbert Metzger 7 Norma Spencer 13
Aurora and Penelope Burton 12 Cheryl Dougherty 17 Fran Devenny 15
Office News
It is with regret that we have accepted the resignation of our Administrator, Paula Clements. We have benefitted so much from her talent and expertise. She has kindly offered to help us close off the year and train our new person. We wish her well with the challenge of her new full time position.
As we say good bye to Paula, we also welcome our new Administrator, Catherine Bergs. Catherine will begin on Monday, February 7th, 2022. A hearty welcome to Catherine.
The Calendars are Here !
The Calvary 100th Anniversary calendar is much more than a place to check the date or write in your appointments. It is chock full of pictures highlighting events of Calvary’s first 100 years and celebrating the coming together of four churches to form one family.
For just $10 you can own one of these precious mementos. A great Christmas gift for anyone who is or ever was associated with Calvary.
The calendars will be available for sale after worship on Sundays throughout December and available from the office weekday mornings. If you can’t get to the church to purchase one, call the office and we’ll make sure one gets delivered to you.
100th Anniversary
Centennial Celebrations
In 2022 Calvary will turn 100 years old and we’re going to celebrate! We’re planning a year full of exciting activities and we want you to participate. Let us know if you want to be part of the planning, help with activities or just have a good idea for what we can do to make our 100th anniversary special. Contact Marney Heatley ([email protected]) to let us know how you would like to help.
Next 100 Years Team Meeting on zoom Tuesday , February 8 at 7:00 p.m.
Official Board Meeting on zoom on Tuesday February 15 at 7:00 p.m.
If you are interested in attending either meeting please email [email protected] and she will send you the link.
Our Annual Congregational Meeting is Sunday Feb 27 . The Annual report will be out to you shortly. The Pandemic Response Team and the Official Board are meeting in the next 2 weeks to assess when to open again for in person worship. Once that date is determined, more details about the Annual Meeting will be shared.
Jennifer Witzel
Official Board