An Introduction

About Calvary: an Introduction

Calvary Memorial United Church, located in downtown Kitchener close to the Grand River Hospital and the Regional Cancer Centre, was constituted in 1921 as a mission outreach of Zion Evangelical Church. It began as a Sunday School in a small building known as "the Little Shack". Since that time Calvary has experienced two denominational unions, one in 1946 when the Evangelicals became part of the Evangelical United Brethren Church and again in 1968 when the EUB Church joined The United Church of Canada. 

Over its 99 year history, Calvary also has evolved from being a church on the edge of town to a church in the heart of the city. 

Both of these facts have had a major impact on it. From its EUB tradition Calvary has had a commitment to adult education. There is a long tradition of holding Bible studies, seminars, town hall meetings and workshops focused on both spiritual and social issues. Weeks of Guided Prayer and the use of the Labyrinth for meditation also provide spiritual nurture. 

From the same EUB roots has come a dedication to mission and service. Calvary folks have always been focused on helping other and generous in their support with money, time and labour. Canadian-based projects as well as overseas missions have been honoured and supported. Calvary continues to make the Mission and Service Fund an important item in its budget; however, having become an inner city congregation,  in recent years the church has focused more and more on the needs close to home, especially through the Community Ministry partnership with Trillium Lutheran Church.

A balance between spirituality and service has served Calvary well in the past and hopefully will guide our future.
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