The dream of having a health-focused ministry at Calvary to complement its teaching and preaching ministries dates back to the 1970s. Although the time never seemed right to embark on such an ambitious undertaking, the dream lived on.
Forty years later
as the people of Zion faced the reality of closing their beloved church, they proposed designating a significant portion of their Legacy Fund to creating a Parish Nurse ministry and chose to establish it at Calvary. The time was now right and work began in earnest to make the dream a reality.
With the hiring of Calvary’s first Parish Nurse, Gerti Emslie, the Health and Wellness Committee became a Team working with her towards the goal of responding to the healing ministry of Jesus by being committed to nourishing, sustaining, and supporting the physical, emotional and spiritual health of both the congregation and the wider community.
Most of the ministry work to date has been to members of the Calvary congregation; however, the desire to serve the wider community is still the dream of some people folks who see the needs in our neighbourhood. of