It’s not an easy time for any of us, especially those who are most vulnerable. Suddenly those who are most affluent and the homeless and marginalized in our communities are facing the same challenge of staying healthy and safe. Unfortunately for many of our marginalized folks, there is no where to self isolate. Anxiety levels are even higher for those of us who already suffer from anxiety and depression as well as many other mental disorders. Let’s remember to continue to be kind to each other as tensions are running high.
Unfortunately due to the circumstances, CM has been ask to not feed people. The Food Bank of Waterloo Region has adjusted their operations and activated the Community Food Assistance Network Pandemic Business Continuity Plan, ensuring essential services continue to be offered in our community. All food support has been centralized in an attempt to keep people safe and the limited and sporadic food supplies reaching those most in need. Without gathering for our weekly free community Thursday supper, handing out food vouchers, or meeting with clients face-to-face you might wonder how CM can continue its ministry.
The community of CM, the supper guest, the voucher clients, the volunteers and the supporters of CM are busy doing the work of staying connected to each other, building support networks, offering to pick up groceries, offering to compassionately listen to anxious voices that do not feel like they are being heard, and sharing God’s comfort and hope where people are feeling hopeless. Like any loving community, the people of Community Ministry are continuing the work of God’s feet and hands in the world, along with ears and compassionate hearts.
Through email, texting, phone calls and Facebook posts, CM’s coordinator, Susan Cole, has been able to reach out to many of those in our community who benefit from the contact and emotional and spiritual support. But she doesn’t work alone. There are CM volunteers and community members who are also continuing to check in on each other, lend a hand or share a food source. The CM family is blessed to have so many caring souls involved in making a positive difference in people’s lives.
Community Ministry would like to thank all our supporters who help us continue through difficult times by sharing their time, talents and treasures with those less fortunate.
Blessings & Peace ~ The Community Ministry Management Committee