Committees and Organizations

Committees and Organizations
Calvary Memorial is well-served by its ministers and staff. However, the work of the Church could not happen without members of the congregation also feeling a call to ministry, a call to serve the Church with the gifts of their time and talents. Much of this ministering happens through acts of generosity and kindness performed spontaneously out of a sense of love. 

To keep Calvary functioning smoothly Calvary Memorial has an Official Board and a number of standing committees. Calvary operated under a modified Council structure for many years. Recently, a new governance structure has been approved in principle. A final document will soon be presented to the congregation for approval. Here is a list of the previous committees and organizations that may be reorganized and/or given new names under a new constitution, but old or new, the work of the church involves volunteers doing the myriad of tasks described below. 

Committees and Organizations


The Official Board has oversight of the total life of Calvary Memorial United Church so that its members may be constantly challenged to fulfill the purpose and goals of the church. It carries out the administrative work of the congregation and guides the overall planning process. Among other tasks it establishes priorities, approves new policies and changes to existing policies, and receives financial statements and budget proposals. 

The Ministry and Personnel Committee provides a confidential setting for the support, consultation and assessment of the work and working relationships of the ministers and other paid staff. They provide liaison and understanding between the staff, and the Official Board and the congregation. Among many other tasks, they are responsible for providing staff with Position Profiles and for annually reviewing the work of the church staff with input from committees and the congregation.  

The Christian Development Committee has responsibility for all on-going Christian Development programs for youth and children. This Committee works closely with the teachers of the Junior Sunday School and organizes special events throughout the year from Rally Sunday to the June picnic.  

The Community and Missions Committee educates the congregation regarding the meaning of mission and its practical implications. Much of this committee’s work currently is focused on ministry to the needy in our own community through Community Ministry. It also keeps us informed about the work of the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada and about justice issues that they are aware of both at home and abroad.  

The Stewardship Committee  encourages  the congregation to see stewardship as a faithful Christian lifestyle. It is also responsible for the administration of the finances of the congregation. Their specific tasks include raising funds for the work of the church including systematic giving and special appeals, preparing the Annual Budget Proposal, and having general oversight of the work of the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer.  

The Board of Trustees is charged with holding in trust on behalf of the United Church of Canada the real and personal assets of the congregation both property and funds. It is their responsibility to make sure all church property including the manse is properly maintained and to have oversight of the use of all church property. They approve the use of Trust Funds and approve the suitability of memorials offered to the congregation, taking responsibility for their purchase, placement and dedication.  

The Facilities Committee acts on behalf of the Trustees to maintain the church facilities so that they meet fire, safety, insurance and municipal standards. In addition they take care of all equipment and furnishings. Their responsibilities also include overseeing the work of the custodian.

The Health and Wellness Team supports the work of the parish nurse and undertakes projects that promote healthy living. 


Beyond the Sunday morning worship experience Calvary offers many opportunities for folks to come together to engage in their favourite activities whether it is singing or serving or praying or simply enjoying a shared meal. 
Here are some opportunities to consider. 

United Voices: Calvary's choir rehearses every Thursday night at 7:30 and helps to lead worship on Sunday morning. All who love to sing are invited to join.

The United Church Women (UCW) meet on the second Tuesday of the month. They enjoy a variety of programs, activities and outings and organize social events for the whole church. All women are welcome.

 The Week of Guided Prayer invites people to experience a retreat in the midst of day-to-day busyness. For one week retreatants spend half an hour a day in private meditation using scripture as a guide. Later in the day they meet for another half hour with a companion to share their experience. The next event will be held in November.

The Calvary Quilters meet on Wednesday afternoon to work on quilts that others have created. Anyone who has a quilt top they would like quilted is welcome to contact the quilters.

The Tied Quilters meet on Wednesday  mornings to make warm quilts for the needy in the community and to make others for sale to raise money for church projects.

The Juliets is a group of women who get together once a month at a restaurant for lunch and conversation. 

The Romeos is a Men's luncheon group who meet on the third Thursday of the month for lunch and  fellowship. All men are welcome.

The Pastoral Care Team is a group of volunteers who keep in close contact with people who are in need of special support, often seniors or those are experiencing a crisis in their lives.

Health and Wellness Dinners are a project of the Health and Wellness Team who prepare and serve a three course dinner on the first Thursday of the month.  The dinner is followed by a presentation on a health-related topic. All are welcome.

Souper Sundays feature a variety of soups served in place of the coffee hour about four times a year. Both fresh soup and frozen soup is available for purchase and for visitors to take to shut-ins when they visit.

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