
Minister: Rev. Tim Graham
Rev.Tim Graham began his ministry at Calvary Memorial in July 2021. He comes to Calvary with many years of experience mostly in Southwestern Ontario and feels very at home in Kitchener. Several Calvary members know him as a former minister at Zion United Church in the 1970s. His first priority is to meet all the members of the congregation which unfortunately is a difficult task given the restrictions of the pandemic. He is excited to be here just as plans are being made to celebrate Calvary's 100th anniversary in 2022. We're happy to have Tim join us as we journey together in faith.

Minister Emeritus: Rev. Bruce Seebach
In February 2012 the congregation of Calvary Memorial honoured the Rev. Bruce Seebach with the designation of "Minister Emeritus" for the service he and his wife Betty have offered not only to Calvary but also to the larger church through more than a half century in ministry. He was very involved in bringing the "Week of Guided Prayer" to Hamilton Conference and beyond. Bruce was the minister at Calvary from July 1971 until June 1982 when he and Betty moved to Emmanuel United Church in Hamilton. They chose to return to Calvary when they retired and made Kitchener-Waterloo their home.

Community Faith Nurse: Sally White
Sally White joined the Calvary Staff in late 2023 as the Faith Community Nurse following Gerti Emslie's eight years establishing and leading a Wellness Ministry at Calvary. Now Sally is excited to be here as YOUR Faith Community Nurse and wants to get to know the Calvary Community and become a part of this church family. A Faith Community Nurse uses a holistic approach to health care by encompassing the body, mind and spirit.

Music Team: Barb Julian, Kirby Julian, and Emily Roe
The position of Director of Music at Calvary is filled by a trio of talented musicians. Barbara Julian and Kirby Julian who play a variety of string instruments and Emily Rowe who plays the organ and piano combine their talents to bring a variety of music to Calvary's worship services. Barb and Kirby are both retired music teachers. Emily who was at one time a student of each of the Julians has been a church musician for several years. Together they bring beautiful music to Calvary. 

Administrator: Emily Moore 
Emily joined Calvary's staff team in July 2023. As the Church administrator she is responsible for maintaining communication between staff, volunteers, and parishioners, processing rental groups, and assisting with finances. She is currently studying for her degree in Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Waterloo with hopes of going into mediation or advocacy work. When Emily isn't at Calvary, she enjoys crocheting, crafting, and house plants.

Church Treasurer: Ron Plum
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