A Youth Group has been launched for Calvary youth and all others who wish to join. The group meets approximately once a month on Friday nights from 5:00 to 700. Come for the food, come for the fun, come for the friendships! All are welcome . For more details, call the church office. Watch the bulletin or the website for the next activities.
Fundraising Projects are undertaken to learn about others who aren't as fortunate as they are,to have fun, and to learn to take responsibility for their commitment to the two "adopted" children they sponsor through World Vision.
They treat the congregation to lunch at least one Sunday and year, often Pancake Sunday, and the profits go to a charitable project of their choice. This sometimes involves poring over catalogues deciding on what animals they would like to donate to others in need far away.
They started off the church year in September by providing freshly baked cookies on Sundae Sunday. This served the double purpose of promoting another of their fundraising efforts -- selling cookie and muffin batter.
The first Sunday of every month is designated "Loonie Sunday" when the children move through the sanctuary gathering loose change from the congregation which they use to support their sponsored children. One is Chheng Heang Thet, a young girl from Cambodia who lives with her parents on a farm. Even in good years her father can grow barely enough food for his own family. The family participates in a community development program which gives them hope for the future. The other sponsored child is a boy who, like Chheng Heang Thet, lives on a farm that barely provides enough for the basic necessities of life.
The Sunday School is grateful to the generous Calvary congregation for supporting their efforts to help others.