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Summer and Beyond News

As we prepare to head into July, I thought it would be a good time to send out a quick email in place of a newsletter. So here are some of the items to take note of:

  • We will not be having worship services at Calvary Memorial in July
  • The United Churches of KW have created a depository of recorded worship services and resources that can be accessed online (check our website for links)
  • The main office will remain open in July and should you need emergency pastoral care please contact our administrator Catherine and she will provide you with contact info for assistance
  • A reminder that, though we are all taking time to refresh with a summer break, the expenses of being a church community continue and so your offerings would be most welcome
  • We will return in August for in person services and as of August 1, the wearing of face masks will not be required
  • It will be a busy Fall with our 100th Anniversary Celebrations reaching their zenith on Oct. 2 with our 100th Anniversary Service, Guest Speaker Rev. Michael Blair and Catered Lunch in St. Jacob’s following the service (you will need to pre-register and pay for lunch in advance as there are a limited number of tickets)
  • Other 100th Anniversary Events are Hymn Sings before Sunday Worship Service are to be held on August 14th and 28th and a neighbourhood and family event on September 24th (including games, face painting and Dragon’s Breath Show)
  • As always check out our Website for additional information

It has been a long few years for so many of us and the word I hear most is that we are all weary. My prayer is that we are able to avail ourselves of these wonderful months and find the ways to appreciate the God created beauty that surrounds us, restores us and equips us for service once again.




Rev. Tim Graham


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