Advent & Christmas 2018

Sunday, November 18
   *Worship at 10:30 
   *Grandma's Country Cupboard

Sunday, November 25
Health and Wellness Sunday 
   * Worship at 10:30 am
   *Decorating the sanctuary 
    immediatelyc3 following worship.    

Sunday, December 2
The First Sunday of Advent
   * Worship at 10:30 
     with  communion
   *Christmas program at 5:00 pm
   *Christmas Dinner at 6:00 pm

Sunday December 9
The Second Sunday of Advent
   *Worship at 10:30 
   *Children's Christmas pageant         during the service
   *White Gift Sunday
   *Candlelight Choir Concert 
     at 7:00

Tuesday, December 11at 6:30     *UCW Dessert Party

Wednesday, December 12 
   *Blue Christmas Service 
    at 7:30 

Sunday, December 16 
The Third Sunday of Christmas
   *Worship Service at 10:30 am

Sunday, December 23 
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
   *Christmas Cantata, "Once          Upon a Miracle" at 10:30 a.m.
   *Lynne Bandy's Retirement          Reception at 10:30 a.m

Monday, December 24
Christmas Eve Service 
worship at 7:00 with communion
Come to the UCW's Grandma's Country Christmas for baking, preserves, crafts and more.

During the service Calvary's parish nurse will speak of the work being done to improve the health and well-being of members of Calvary and beyond, After worship, pick up some Chrismas treats  and come to help decorate the sanctuary for the Advent and Christmas season.

The season of Advent begins with  a traditional Christmas variety program followed by a delicious Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.

Be part of a joyful day as the children lead morning worship with a pageant written especially for them. In the evening the choir  presents beautiful anthems and the opportunity to sing the carols of Christmas in the beauty of a candlelit sanctuary. You're invited to remain for refreshments.

The UCW invites everyone to come to their annual dessert party. After coffee and dessert a musical group, "Just a Few of Us" will provide entertainment in the sanctuary.

Christmas can be a difficult time 
for people experiencing loss or loneliness or stress. This service provides an opportunity to
acknowledge sadness and isolation and loneliness and to seek peace. 

Feel the spirit of Christmas during worship. Listen to the familiar words and and sing the inspiring carols that fill or hearts each year. 

Be part of two wonderful services that celebrate the birth of Jesus. Listen for the voices of the the angels as they bring their tidings of great joy and proclaim their message of peace to all the world!
Hope is a star 
that shines in the night.

Joy is a song
that welcomes the dawn.

Peace is a ribbon
that circles the earth.

Love is a flame
that  burns in our heart.

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