“A community helping the community.”
As one of four programs in the Region that remains open throughout the year, Community Ministry provided a hot meal every Thursday at 5:00 pm. The last quarter of the year saw an increase in the number of people attending “Thursdays at Trillium,” an indication of the need in our community. Our average attendance on Thursdays was approximately 36 people, for an annual total of 1882 meals. The average per month was 155 meals, the lowest month was June, with 76 meals served and the highest was December, with 295 meals served.
As a way to alleviate loneliness, Community Ministry introduced Bingo this year, which is held every third Thursday of the month prior to serving the hot meal. Comments from our guests indicate that this is a highlight for many people who attend. We are grateful for Brianna MacDougall, who proposed and initiated the idea, and who leads it each month.
This past year, Community Ministry distributed 189 food vouchers to community members in need. The average number per month was 15, the highest month was January with 22 and the lowest month was 7 in February and June. The voucher program is available to persons with families, as it is felt that this is where the need is greatest. The food vouchers are in the form of grocery store gift cards, and may be used for whatever store items the recipient needs. Due to the rising cost of grocery items, the Management Committee decided to raise the amount of the food vouchers in 2024 to $75 per family for every two months.
We thank the community and our supporting churches for providing clothing items, which we have been able to distribute on Thursdays. A special thank you goes to both Calvary Memorial United Church and Trillium Lutheran Church for the overwhelming response of boxes and bags of clothing items around Christmas time. Items we have been able to distribute include socks, coats, hats, mitts, scarves, gloves, pants, shirts, shoes, boots, etc. It is always a thrill to see the happy faces of the folk who receive these donated items.
In the light of the Board of Trillium Lutheran Church’s decision to withdraw from the Community Ministry Agreement, Calvary Memorial United Church assumed full responsibility for the program in 2024. We are thankful that Trillium Lutheran Church continues to provide the current space for the preparation and serving of the Thursday night dinners and continues to provide annual funding and to flow through any designated donations to Community Ministry.
After posting the position for applications and interviews of suitable candidates for the role in October, Glenn Menard was chosen as the new Coordinator for Community Ministry. He began working in this capacity in November. We are thankful for the work of the Search Committee comprised of members of the Community Ministry Management Committee, Calvary Memorial United Church and Trillium Lutheran Church in making this happen and also for the use of office space for the Coordinator at the church on Gruhn Street. On November 1st, Glenn resigned his position on the Management Committee and Dianne Gilchrist stepped in as Chairperson.
Our annual Festive Christmas dinner was held on December 19th, where we served turkey dinner to 110 people. Following the Christmas dinner, the Blue Christmas Service was held in the Chapel at Trillium Lutheran Church led by our Coordinator. Fourteen people were present for the service and we received comments from some in attendance regarding how meaningful it was to them.
Community Ministry continues to be grateful for those who had the vision to begin this ministry in 1997. In addition, we are blessed by volunteers who work hard each week in the kitchen, preparing the wonderful hot meals on Thursdays under the experienced leadership of our Kitchen Coordinator, Lorraine MacDougall. There are also those who come and sit with our supper guests, engaging in conversation and helping “behind the scenes.” We are thankful for the support of those who have assisted us from Elevation Church, especially Melissa Burke, who is a current member of the Management Committee. The continued support from both Calvary Memorial United Church and Trillium Lutheran Church is invaluable. Community Ministry strives to be your ministry working together, making a tangible difference, and living the Gospel in the community. You are cordially invited to come any Thursday and see what God is doing in and through “a community helping the community.”
Respectfully Submitted by Glenn E Menard,
Community Ministry Coordinator