AUGUST 30, 2022
Can you believe that summer is almost over and autumn is just around the corner? When I was young, my father would say “just wait till you get older and see how fast time flies”. I am obviously getting older as time sure does fly! I have had some stretches at the cottage with my family which has been very rejuvenating. My granddaughters, Harriet 4 ½ and Dottie 2 ½ keep me hopping and young at heart. They are busy, crazy, energetic and a true blessing!
I hope summer has treated you well and as the days get shorter and the nights get cooler our mental preparation for the pending season change begins. It is harvest time for the farmers (and Rosemary) which is always an exciting time especially if you are able to visit our local markets. Speaking about harvest time and Rosemary………….
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 10:00 TO 12:00 in Kellerman Hall
Please call or text me at 519 897-2774 or email me at [email protected]
MARCH 14, 2022
Well, we have just sprung forward and turned our clocks ahead which will give us more LIGHT at the end of our day. If you are anything like me, at this time of year I really crave the sunshine and welcome the longer hours of day LIGHT.
Do you feel like we are just going from one crisis to another? COVID-19 Pandemic, the “Freedom” convoy, and now the attack on Ukraine. There seems to be so much darkness lately which inspired me to have LIGHT as my theme for this newsletter. In Genesis 1:3 we read “And God said, “Let there be LIGHT,” and there was LIGHT”. No matter how dark things seem in this world, there will always be LIGHT, so let’s keep our candle burning and try to guide our focus to the positive things in life:
Spring is just around the corner! When I was talking to someone in our Calvary family, she said “every morning I say THANK YOU GOD, IT IS ONE DAY CLOSER TO SPRING!”.
The pandemic situation is finally looking on the brighter side and restrictions are loosening up. We can gather together again and be amongst friends and loved ones.
As my father said many, many times: “we live in the best country in the world”. I think I wrote this in one of my previous newsletters, but it is worth repeating. When he was in his latter years of life and I was his caregiver, he would tell others that I was his “sunshine in his sunset years”. No wonder I crave the sun, I just loved hearing his words.
I am sure we can all make a list of things that we are blessed with and bring LIGHT into our lives and the lives of others. So keep the candle burning and let it shine.
Copy and paste this link
MY PEACE is like a shaft of golden LIGHT shining on you continuously. During days of bright sunshine, it may blend in with your surroundings. On darker days, My Peace stands out in sharp contrast to your circumstances. See times of darkness as opportunities for MY LIGHT to shine in transcendent splendor. I am training you to practice Peace that overpowers darkness. Collaborate with Me in this training. Do not grow weary and lose heart.
2 Thessalonians 3:16 John 1:4-5 Hebrews 12:3 Sarah Young “Jesus Calling”
Gerti's Hope-filled Messages During the Months of the Covid Pandemic
The following notes were faithfully written by Calvary's Parish Nurse, Gerti Emslie,
to inform and encourage members of the congregations through the long months of the Covid Pandemic
MAY 31, 2021
THINGS ARE LOOKING UP AS OUR NUMBERS ARE GOING DOWN!! We are all in this together and we have come a long way on fighting this pandemic so KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
“Life can slap you down sometimes.
But if you take care of yourself, if you
have a sense of humor, if you live a good life,
if you love yourself, you’re going to be happy.
And others are going to see that joy.
My advice is to develop a spiritual life,
choose your friends wisely
-and love, just love.”
Clarice Estell Freeman
The PROVINCE OF ONTARIO is now accelerating appointments for the SECOND DOSE of the COVID-19 vaccine! YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT or have someone help. Please call me if I can be of assistance to you. Bookings can be made by clicking on the following link:
If your first dose was Pfizer or Moderna
Accelerated second doses will be available according to the following schedule.
Starting week and Who is eligible:
May 31 - People aged 80 and over
June 14 - People aged 70 and over
June 28 - People who received their first dose between the week of March 8 and April 18
July 19 - People who received their first dose between the week of April 19 and May 9
August 2 - People who received their first dose between the week of May 10 and May 30
August 9 and 16 - People aged 12 to 25 - August 9
People who received their first dose from the week of May 31 onwards (respecting the
recommended intervals)
If your first dose was AstraZeneca
If you received your first dose from March 10 to 19, you may choose to receive a second dose of AstraZeneca during the week of May 24 (at an earlier interval of 10 weeks), with informed consent.
If you received your first dose of AstraZeneca on March 10 or later, you will be eligible to receive a second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine from May 31 onwards, at a 12-week interval.
If you are eligible, contact the pharmacy or primary care setting where you received your first dose to book an appointment or search for another pharmacy offering AstraZeneca.
Please keep your eyes on the Region of Waterloo vaccine booking site for updates. I have not seen their schedule yet for booking accelerated appointments for your second dose.
or Phone 519 575-4400 or for Hard of Hearing call 519 575-4608
We must all continue to stay vigilant with Public Health Guidelines! Even if you have been vaccinated, it is important WEAR A MASK, KEEP DISTANCED, USE HAND HYGIENE AND IF YOU FEEL UNWELL STAY HOME AND GET TESTED.
As always, please contact me if you have any questions, concerns or thoughts that you would like to talk about.
Take care and be well!
Gerti Emslie RN, Faith Community Nurse
Phone or Text: 519 897-2774
Email: [email protected]
A Message from Your Faith Community Nurse
MAY 3, 2021
Below are new groups of people that are eligible for COVID-19 vaccines in the Region of Waterloo:
NEW Adults 55+ years of age, born in 1966 or earlier
NEW At-risk health conditions:
· Immune deficiencies / autoimmune disorders
· Stroke / cerebrovascular disease
· Dementia
· Diabetes
· Liver disease
· All other cancers
· Liver disease
· All other cancers
· Immune deficiencies / autoimmune disorders
· Stroke / cerebrovascular disease
· Dementia
· Diabetes
· Respiratory diseases
· Spleen problems (e.g., asplenia)
· Heart Disease
· Hypertension with end organ damage
· Diagnosis of mental disorder
· Substance use disorder
· Sickle cell disease
· Thalassemia
· Immunocompromising health conditions
· Other disabilities requiring direct support care in the community
· Alpine/Laurentian
· Columbia/Lakeshore
· Country Hills
· Shade Mill
· Vanier/Rockway
· Victoria Hills/Cherry Hill
or phone 519 575-4400 (for hard of hearing call 519 575-4608)
The PROVINCE OF ONTARIO has also added some new eligibility guidelines to their vaccine roll out. In addition to their previous guidelines including all persons 40 years of age and older, the following group can register for their vaccine on the provincial site:
· Licensed child care workers
We must all continue to stay vigilant with Public Health Guidelines! Even if you have been vaccinated, it is important WEAR A MASK, KEEP DISTANCED, USE HAND HYGIENE AND IF YOU FEEL UNWELL STAY HOME AND GET TESTED.
As always, please contact me if you have any questions, concerns or thoughts that you would like to talk about.
Take care and be well!
June 28, 2021
WooHoo! Canada’s Wonderland opens on July 5th, are you ready? If you are one of those people that loves the thrill of a rollercoaster ride, you may have handled the last 18 months a little better than the rest of us. The ups and downs of living through a pandemic has been very much like being on a rollercoaster ride. Creeping up that steep incline in anticipation of that thrilling drop, numerous smaller ups and down and then that gentle coast to the finish. Does that sound like how our life has been during the pandemic: COVID numbers, rules and regulations, vaccinations, our mental health and yes shopping too! It’s kind of like that familiar saying “so close but yet so far”? (Like the Toronto Maple Leafs in the NHL playoffs). Ontario’s COVID-19 numbers have dropped drastically over the last several weeks and that is such cause to celebrate, WAY TO GO ONTARIO! But then we look at the new cases in our region and we seem to be going in the wrong way, talk about a rollercoaster ride! This ride will come to an end and just like at Canada’s Wonderland, there are so many more venues that we can enjoy and celebrate.
In one of her June devotions from “Jesus Calling”, Sarah Young puts it this way:
I AM THE FIRM FOUNDATION on which you can dance and sing and celebrate My Presence. This is My high and holy calling for you; receive it as a precious gift. Glorifying and enjoying Me is a higher priority than maintaining a tidy, structured life. Give up your striving to keep everything under control -an impossible task and a waste of precious energy.
My guidance for each of My children is unique. That’s why listening to Me is so vital for your well-being. Let me prepare you for the day that awaits you and point you in the right direction. I am with you continually, so don’t be intimidated by fear. Though it stalks you, it cannot harm you, as long as you cling to My hand. Keep your eyes on Me, enjoying Peace in My Presence.
As of June 23, 2021, you can book your second vaccine without pre-registering. For details click on:
I am so excited about the thought of resuming in person visits with my Calvary family and friends! I received my second vaccination over 3 weeks ago so I am “fully vaccinated”. I am comfortable to make home visits with fully vaccinated people while still taking all the Public Health precautions of masking, keeping a distance of 2 meters and good hand hygiene. Outdoor visits would ideal but indoor visits are an option. Retirement Homes and Long Term Care facilities all have their own guidelines so my ability to visit in person in these settings may be limited but I will make every effort to make visits as I am permitted.
We have missed the SOUPER SUDAYS where we would join together in Kellerman Hall after the church service and taste test several different varieties of home-made soup. Rosemary has continued to make her delicious soups throughout the entire time of the pandemic. Many have enjoyed this “Taste of Calvary” as I have had the privilege to deliver frozen soups on a regular basis. During July and August, we are taking a break from the mass soup delivery program. However, Rosemary is keeping a supply of soup in the church freezer and I will gladly bring some to you. Please give me a call, text or email if you would like a few frozen soups brought to you during the next couple of months.
As always, please contact me if you have any questions, concerns or thoughts that you would like to share with me.
Take care and be well!
Gerti Emslie RN, Faith Community Nurse
Phone or Text: 519 897-2774 Email: [email protected]
THE REGION OF WATERLOO MOVED from THE RED ZONE TO LOCKDOWN on Saturday April 3, 2021. On Thursday April 8th, the REGION OF WATERLOO MOVED TO LOCKDOWN/STAY-AT-HOME ORDER for 4 weeks. On Friday April 16th, the Province of Ontario extended the LOCKDOWN/STAY-AT-HOME ORDER for 2 more weeks.
Important COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Region of Waterloo Residents:
For complete information on vaccinations including who is currently eligible to receive the vaccine, go to the Region of Waterloo website by clicking on this link:
Residents can register in two ways:3
1. Online:
2. By phone: For those unable to register online please call the Region’s Service First Call Centre at 519-575-4400. Deaf and hard of hearing (TTY): 519-575-4608.
*Online registration is the fastest way to register. Please be patient as the call centre experiences a high volume of calls.
Pre-registration does not mean you will be contacted to book an appointment immediately. When a vaccine is available for you, you will be contacted through the method you selected (email, text or telephone).
Please ensure you check your JUNK/SPAM folder in your email regularly. Please call only if you are in an eligible priority group and need help to complete the form.
Visit our website to learn more about where you can go to be vaccinated once appointments are available as well as our 5 Clinic Type strategy. We urge the public to continue following public health guidelines protect yourself, others and slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community.
For persons 40 years of age and over, to book a vaccine appointment use the Ontario provincial link below:
We must all continue to stay vigilant with Public Health Guidelines! Even if you have been vaccinated, it is important WEAR A MASK, KEEP DISTANCED, USE HAND HYGIENE AND IF YOU FEEL UNWELL STAY HOME AND GET TESTED.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me, Gerti Emslie, Community of Faith nurse, if you have any questions or concerns. Email: [email protected] . Phone: 519-897-2774
A Message from Your Faith Community Nurse
APRIL 20, 2021
With all this doom and gloom in the news, we need to take time to laugh. Yes, I believe laughter can be the best medicine especially when there has been so much darkness surrounding us lately. I enjoyed the Senior’s Version of “Jesus Loves Me” that Marney passed on to me:
Senior’s Version of “Jesus Loves Me”
Jesus loves me, this I know
Though my hair is white as snow
Though my sight is growing dim
Still He bids me trust in Him.
Though my steps are oh so slow
With my hand in His I’ll go
On through life let come what may
He’ll be there to lead the way.
When the nights are dark and long
In my heart He puts a song
Telling me in words so clear
“Have no fear for I am near”.
When my work on earth is done
And life’s victories have been won
He will take me home above
Then I’ll understand His love.
I love Jesus, does He know?
Have I ever told Him so?
Jesus loves to hear me say
That I love Him every day.
I also love the way Sarah Young puts it in her “Jesus Calling” devotional:
LEARN TO LAUGH at yourself more freely. Don’t take yourself or your circumstances so seriously. Relax and know that I am GOD WITH YOU. When you desire My will above all else, life becomes much less threatening. Stop trying to monitor My responsibilities –things that are beyond your control. Find freedom by accepting the boundaries of your domain.
Laughter lightens your load and lifts your heart into heavenly places. Your laughter rises to heaven and blends with angelic melodies of praise. Just as parents delight in the laughter of their children, so I delight in hearing My children laugh. I rejoice when you trust Me enough to enjoy your life lightheartedly.
Do not miss the Joy of My Presence by carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Rather, TAKE MY YOKE UPON YOU AND LEARN FROM ME. MY YOKE IS COMFORTABLE AND PLEASANT; MY BURDEN IS LIGHT AND EASILY BORNE.
Proverbs 17:22 Proverbs 31:25 Matthew 1:23 Matthew 11:29-30
Here are a few jokes to make you laugh:
1. What time of day was Adam created?
Just a little before Eve.
2. Who was the fastest runner in the race?
Adam. He was first in the human race.
3. Why didn’t they play cards on the Ark?
Because Noah was always standing on the deck.
4. If Mary had Jesus, and Jesus was a little lamb…
Does that mean Mary had a little lamb?
5. Did Eve ever have a date with Adam?
Nope — just an apple.
Gerti Emslie RN, Faith Community Nurse
Phone or text:519-897-2774
email: [email protected]
JANUARY 26, 2021
HOPE IS STILL IN THE AIR even after a whole year of COVID-19!
When we turned the calendar from 2020 to 2021, I was searching for a “word of the year” to help me move forward during these times of struggle and uncertainty. The word HOPE popped into my mind immediately and I knew it was the word I needed to focus on this year. Shortly after, I drove by a church in the evening and it had huge letters lit up with the word HOPE which really reconfirmed that this is my “word of the year”.
In April of last year, the title of one of my newsletters was “HOPE IS IN THE AIR”. That seems like such a long time ago and so much has happened since then. Well, HOPE is still in the air! Back in April, we could not imagine that a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus could be developed in just a few months when this process normally takes several years. Look at us now, on December 14, 2020 the first COVID-19 vaccine was given in our country and now we have already inoculated hundreds of thousands of Canadians. Yes, there are some bumps in the road, but let’s be thankful that we have vaccines being administered (vaccine resources below). Our HOPES and prayers from about 9 months ago are being answered. In April last year, we were in a strict lockdown, even tighter than we are today. The church was closed down but we adapted to a new way of “doing church”. HOPE came to reality when Calvary opened its doors again in September, even though it was only for two months. And now as our doors are closed again, we cannot lose our HOPE for the future, the doors will open again. Our daylight hours are slowly getting a little longer and our days ahead will be brighter!
“Even when our situation appears to be impossible, our work is to ‘HOPE in God’.
Our HOPE will not be in vain, and in the Lord’s own timing, help will come.”
George Mueller
1. H-CARDD (Health Care Access Research and Developmental Disabilities) COVID page
3. Government of Canada Vaccine Information
Soup ministry is still happening at Calvary. Rosemary continues to cook up a storm with her nutritious “soups and more”. We are so blessed that Rosemary wants to keep busy and is doing so by following her passion of cooking. So if you or someone you know would benefit from receiving frozen “soups and more”, please let me know by emailing me at [email protected] or calling me at 519 897-2774.
Be Blessed!
Gerti Emslie RN, Faith Community Nurse
Phone or Text: 519 897-2774
Email: [email protected]New paragraph
FACE TO FACE (without a mask)
JULY 14, 2020
“Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12
When our community opened up to Stage 2 of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were given permission to gather FACE TO FACE at church for meetings of ten people or less. This was such exciting news after being socially isolated for 3 months and I have now been part of three real face to face meetings in Kellerman Hall. My anticipation was high as I was expecting things to be somewhat like they were before the pandemic, but they were not. There was a very different feel and I did not like it. It felt very sterile with the need to be screened upon entering, sanitizing my hands as I walked in and posters reminding me to stay 6 feet away from everyone else. And then there was the MASK! That darn MASK! The real face to face experience that we were all looking so forward to now had a physical barrier between us. I just wanted to see everyone’s face, not only their eyes peeping over a mask. It’s not Halloween, nobody was robbing a bank, it’s not Mardi Gras at Calvary……….. the mask just felt so wrong. I wanted to see people’s smiles! Don’t get me wrong, I fully support the wearing of masks and know they are needed to plank the curve, something we need to do for each other.
Even though meeting face to face is not as I thought it would be, we need to be counting our blessings and thanking our Heavenly Father for all that He has done protecting the people of Calvary in managing the COVID-19 virus. We are so fortunate that God has provided a means of protection and directed our leaders to mandate us to wear these masks. We are also very fortunate that we have members in our congregation that are busy sewing masks. Thank you to all of you! If you are in need of a mask, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will get one to you.
The Region of Waterloo has now made it mandatory for us to wear a mask in indoor public areas in hope that this will help us move into Stage 3 of the province’s COVID-19 recovery plan. There are a lot of questions and myths out there about masks so I am focusing this communication on education about masking. I have listed some links that you might find interesting.
This informational link on wearing masks is from the Ottawa Public Health Unit:
The link below is from the CTV “YOUR MORNING” show:
COVID-19 can be spread from infected individuals who have few or no symptoms and may not be aware that they are infected. The mask is intended to protect others from your respiratory droplets and it may also prevent other people’s droplets from landing in your mouth or nose.
Masks alone will not prevent the spread of COVID-19, they work in conjunction with:
· Staying home when ill
· Respiratory hygiene: sneeze or cough into your upper arm or elbow area
· Frequent hand washing or sanitizing
· Not touching eyes, nose or mouth
· Physical distancing
· Self-monitoring
Do not wear a mask if:
· You are a child under 2 years of age.
· If you are not able to put on or take off a mask without assistance.
· If you have medical conditions restricting you from wearing a mask (consult with your doctor).
Putting on a mask:
· Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water or use hand sanitizer of 60% or more alcohol.
· If the mask has pleats, make sure the pleats are on the outside facing down.
· If you wear glasses, take them off.
· Holding the mask only by the ear loops or ties, secure the mask in place. Make sure it fits snuggly with no gaps between the mask and face and it is to cover the nose and mouth from below the eyes to around the chin.
· If the mask has a metal strip over the nose, gently mould it over the bridge of your nose to ensure a close fit.
· Avoid touching your face or the front of the mask while wearing it –if you do, clean your hands immediately.
· Wear the mask as long as it is comfortable. Remove the mask when it becomes soiled, damp, damaged or if it is difficult to breathe through.
Taking off and caring for a cloth mask:
· Wash or sanitize your hands.
· If you wear glasses, remove them.
· Carefully grasp the straps or ear loops away from your ears. Close your eyes, tip your head down and remove the mask carefully pulling it directly away from your face. Avoid touching the front of the mask when removing it.
· Place the mask directly in the wash machine or into a bag that can be emptied into the wash machine and then thrown out.
· Immediately wash or sanitize your hands.
· If you have to use the mask again before washing it, ensure that the front of the mask folds in on itself to avoid touching the front. Make sure the mask is not soiled or damaged and store it in its own paper bag as paper does not retain moisture.
· Machine wash with hot water and regular detergent or hand wash with regular detergent having the water as hot as you can tolerate it. Dry well before using it again.
Disposable or Paper Masks:
· Are to be replaced if soiled, damaged or hard to breathe through.
· Are for one time use only and need to be thrown into the garbage after use.
· Should not be reused, washed or recycled.
Face Shields:
· Are not a substitute for wearing a face mask as they do not filter respiratory droplets.
· May provide additional protection for the wearer if worn with a mask.
Annis Dippel shared this beautiful little poem or prayer with me and I would like to share it with you:
Each morning when I wake I say “I place my hand in God’s today”
I know He will walk close by my side My every wandering step to guide.
He leads me with the tenderest care When paths are dark or I despair
No need for me to understand If I but hold fast to His hand.
My hand in His, no surer way To walk in safety through each day.
By His great bounty I am fed Warmed by His love and comforted.
When at day’s end I seek my rest And realize how much I’m blessed,
My thanks go out to Him And then I place my Hand in God’s again.
The last couple of weeks have been an exciting time for me. As requested in my last newsletter, I have been receiving some communications from the folks at Calvary. I have really enjoyed the notes, comments and scriptures that people have sent for me to pass along in this newsletter. It is a way for all of us to CONNECT when we are not able to gather together. It is my hope that I will continue to receive notes from all of you so that I can share them with everyone in upcoming e-blasts. Please remember to send your information to:
Do you know someone that does not have email? Please let me know as we are emailing the newsletters to people we cannot reach by email.
I am looking forward to continue my role as the “Messenger for Calvary” by connecting all of us through these newsletters either by email or real mail. It makes me think of the Dove bringing the freshly plucked olive leaf to Noah after the flood. This was good and it was a sign of peace, PEACE BE WITH YOU!
Thank you everyone for your submissions, please keep them coming.
Gerti Emslie, RN
Faith Community Nurse
519 897-2774
How has the corona virus affected your life?
If Covid-19 had arrived seven or eight years ago I would have done a lot of grumbling about the restrictions we have been facing. Like a lot of people I would be chomping at the bit to get out, go shopping, drive to a neighbouring community for lunch with friends, attend the Shakespearian Festival, a concert or educational series. But several years ago my life came crashing down on me and I learned to be a different person.
The failure of one organ in my body exploded into problems with all my organs and not expected to survive. I remember a thought going through my unconscious or semi-conscious mind that “maybe I should just let go”. Another thought at another time was the hymn “Have thine own way Lord; Thou art the potter, I am the clay”.
And I did fight my way back to health and my new-normal.
I had to learn to adapt to so much.
The greatest lesson was to learn to have patience,
to take my time, to stay calm.
And that has been my mantra for five years.
A couple of weeks ago,
someone sent me her daily devotional reading.
It spoke right to me.
And then I realized it would speak to a few friends
who were struggling in their lives.
And maybe it will speak to you.
John 15:5 says I am the vine and you are the branches.
If you look at a tree on a windy day
you will see the branches blowing hither and yon,
but the trunk is still.
When life is blowing at us from every direction,
our emotions will go up and down and all around.
But sometimes we live as if we only have branches.
We need to learn to reach down into our trunk to gain
strength, courage, wisdom from our roots in our faith in Jesus Christ.
We are going to need that strength, courage, and wisdom to adapt our lives to the “After Covid”. Some stores will close, some businesses will not re-open. Some of our favorite brands will disappear. We will have to do more on-line shopping. Life will change for all of us; the elderly, the poor, the marginalized may be most challenged. I know I will be grumbling, but with patience, calmness, adaptability, and strength from God we will learn to live in our post Covid world.
Carolyn A.
Initially I felt overwhelmed by the negative aspects of this State of Emergency until I read a few articles in the Record about the essential workers, workplaces adapting to the challenges, the volunteers stepping up, all the fund donations and other good deeds. I was inspired to start a binder of "good news" clippings and commentary, which became part of my daily purpose and routine. It's been informative and reassuring and has helped me find balance in these uncertain times.
Veronica R.
When Zion United Church was sold the congregation and money came to Calvary Memorial United Church. The money allowed the Parish Nurse Ministry to start at Calvary. It is such a valuable ministry to help members with the guidance that is needed to work through the health system. I needed the Parish Nurse recently and received the best care.
We are blessed to have Gerti help all of us when needed.
Carolyn S.
Can grief and gift coexist in the midst of Covid 19? Betty and I speak a resounding YES! Being quarantined for us has been the bitter sweet experience of grieving the loss of freedom from these 4 walls to walk outside for fresh air combined with the gift of caring support from staff, family, church and community that has made life meaningful for the last 2 months of isolation. It's the affirmation that we are never alone. Thank you God!
Joy and peace be with you. Please stay safe.
Bruce Seebach
During this time of COVID 19, Psalm 46: 1, 2 has taken on new meaning for me - “God is our Refuge and Strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth should change.” God does not change. He is always the same, and He is always with us. We will get through this. Thanks be to God!
Take good care!
Barbara K.
Below is a posting from the Calvary Memorial United Church website. It is under the heading “Worship” and subheading “Reflections”. I am sure you will enjoy the writings of Rev. Bev Williams:
Bev Williams, the photographer and author of this reflection is a retired United Church minister and part of the Calvary congregation. She shares her faith through her photos and meditations. These reflections, questions, and Bible references can be used for personal devotional time. They can also serve as starting points for discussion groups looking for inspiration when they meet with each other. More of Bev's photos and reflections can be found on her website at
LEAN ON MEBy Bill Withers
Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all have sorrowBut if we are wiseWe know that there's always tomorrowLean on me, when you're not strongAnd I'll be your friendI'll help you carry onFor it won't be long'Til I'm gonna needSomebody to lean onPlease swallow your prideIf I have things you need to borrowFor no one can fill those of your needsThat you won't let showYou just call on me brother, when you need a handWe all need somebody to lean onI just might have a problem that you'll understandWe all need somebody to lean onLean on me, when you're not strongAnd I'll be your friendI'll help you carry onFor it won't be long'Til I'm gonna needSomebody to lean onYou just call on me brother, when you need a handWe all need somebody to lean onI just might have a problem that you'll understandWe all need somebody to lean onIf there is a load you have to bearThat you can't carryI'm right up the roadI'll share your loadIf you just call me (call me)If you need a friend (call me) call me uh huh(call me) if you need a friend (call me)If you ever need a friend (call me)Call me (call me) call me (call me) call me(Call me) call meBy clicking control and click on the link below, you can listen to the song. on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. Proverbs 3:5 AMPPeace be with you,Gerti
- Foot Care Clinic: trial for four months
- Sleep Better: five week Series
- Fall Prevention: two Series, six weeks each
- Health & Wellness Educational Dinners: approximately 9 each year
- Blood Pressure Clinics: held at each Health & Wellness Dinner
- CPR\AED training: open to all
- Dementia Friendly Community: training and designation which welcomes all persons to Calvary, recognizing special needs for persons with Dementia
- Souper Sundays: provides soup to shut-ins and people outside Calvary
In addition, as a Parish Nurse, Gerti’s advice has been requested from others in the community who do not have the services of a Parish Nurse. She has received the following:
- Attended Outreach Wednesday evening dinners when Rev. Susan Cole was off on leave
- Shared resources between Community Ministry and Parish Nursing Ministry
- Attended Naloxone training and helped initiate implementation of Naloxone kit to be kept on church property to be available for community at large
- referral from St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
- requests from persons in community that have heard about PN at Calvary
- requests from Calvary’s members for PN to see persons not affiliated with Calvary
- calls from Pastors in the community who do not have a PN for advice and consultation regarding persons in their parish
- Participation in the Blessing of Hands: through the KW Parish Nurse Network, PN along with the Pastoral Care staff of Grand River Hospital, bless the hands of staff/patients/visitors each May during nurse’s week
- Continuing involvement with clients the Parish Nurse had from previous contacts as ”adopted clients”.
Thank you, Gerti!